The prices listed are for custom units constructed using 3 or 4 (10A) bundles of 100% Unprocessed Virgin Hair, offered in varying lengths made with a choice of 4x4 lace closure, 5x5 lace closure, 13x4 frontal or 360 closure.
Closure knots are bleached and pre-plucked.
Units are natural color, if you would like jet black add color service to your order for $40.00.
Deep Wave Unit
The prices listed are for custom units constructed using 3 or 4 (10A) bundles of 100% Unprocessed Virgin Hair, offered in varying lengths made with a choice of 4x4 lace closure, 5x5 lace closure, 13x4 frontal or 360 closure.
Closure knots are bleached and pre-plucked.
Units are natural color, if you would like jet black add color service to your order for $40.00.